Friday, June 16, 2006

Hi, World. Let's Get Our Feet Wet...

I'm posting and being random, per requests & instructions from my two youngest daughters, so that they may comment on my blog site.

I just read something that was very interesting to me. I'll quote ...

"An excuse is a well-planned lie.”

This could apply to any area of our lives, but the lady was asking as to whether we were interested in growing ourselves and our business. She also said,

*How badly do you want something?
*We have to get uncomfortable to get there. Look at your life...are you comfortable or are you getting out of your comfort zone?
*Are you growing or are you dying?

...A few questions for you to ponder today. She continues with...

“Think Big and Act Big” - Small thinking and small actions lead to being both broke and unfulfilled. Big thinking and big actions lead to having both money and meaning. The choice is yours!

Do one uncomfortable thing today. Step outside your box. Reach and dream BIG."

So ... there you go. Some random thoughts and suggestions (from someone else) to apply as you will. I do know that it works, though, to step out of your comfort zone and do what I call "stretching yourself". I've been rewarded each time I did this, whether it was with a feeling of satisfaction, making actual money or becoming a better person by the experience and lessons learned.

Have a wonderful weekend ... and do something to stretch yourself.

Signed, "Living my CITY LIFE"